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Admin Passwort zurücksetzen

You would typically use this method if you run the Portainer Server on Docker Standalone.

First, go to our reset password container helper in GitHub, then stop the Portainer container by running this command:

docker stop "id-portainer-container"

Next, run the helper using the following command (you'll need to mount the Portainer data volume):

If your Portainer data volume has a different name than portainer_data or you are using a bind mount for your data volume, you will need to adjust the mount in the below docker run command to suit your path.


docker pull portainer/helper-reset-password
docker run --rm -v portainer_data:/data portainer/helper-reset-password

If successful, the output should look like this:

2020/06/04 00:13:58 Password successfully updated for user: admin
2020/06/04 00:13:58 Use the following password to login: &_4#\3^5V8vLTd)E"NWiJBs26G*9HPl1

If the helper is unable to find an admin user to update, it will create a new one for you. If the username admin is already used, it will create a user named admin-[randomstring]:

2022/08/10 07:36:33 [WARN] Unable to retrieve user with ID 1, will try to create, err: object not found inside the database
2022/08/10 07:36:33 Admin user admin-u0512b3f0v4dqk7o successfully created
2022/08/10 07:36:33 Use the following password to login: Sr#]YL_6D0k8Pd{pA9^|}F32j5J4I=av

Finally, use this command to start the Portainer container then try logging in with the new password: